Monday, February 21, 2011

Shared Experiences

Just a few sites I wanted to share with you guys … they are informative, entertaining, and insightful.

A site for both parents and educators, YikeDat is a brand new resource for parents and teachers focusing on early childhood.  They update regularly. Expect new information for early childhood teachers almost daily.  There is a section for parents of preschoolers as well.  

A really funny blog about one parents experience raising his children

2E Child
A description of a successful ABA therapy graduate. Initially diagnosed as Autistic, he is a 2E child (twice exceptional - In the Autistic Spectrum and Profoundly Gifted). A brief description of his path to enrichment and excellence as laid out by the therapists and by, mostly, his Mother - his chief Instructor.

Autism Mom Rising
A mother of a son with Autism and Landau Kleffner Variant. They have a blast baking around their many food sensitivities and blogging about  their creations. Their show Autism Family Cooking will debut here in 2011. This site also explores the general nuances of life with Autism.

These are mostly inspirational blogs written by parents of children who are both typically developing and who have autism.

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